I am delighted to share the inspiring journey of one of my students who has triumphed over numerous obstacles to reach where he stands today, and this journey is far from over! Jimy embarked on his CIS journey with me shortly after enrolling in Kindergarten at Virginia Cross Elementary towards the end of the 2021-22 school year, facing attendance, behavior, and academic concerns. As a newcomer to the school system, Jimy struggled to adjust to his new environment—a different country, language, and surrounded by unfamiliar faces, all while being an only child at home. His journey was daunting, with much to learn and adapt to.
Recognizing the need for extensive support, both Jimy and his family required patience, time, and dedication. Their journey was intertwined with challenges such as adjusting to a new country, navigating a different school system, language barriers, and coping with past traumas. The foundation of Jimy’s success was built upon the strong and nurturing relationship forged with his family, and their unwavering commitment to working alongside me as a team. We cultivated trust, effective communication, and mutual understanding, evolving into Jimy’s dedicated support system.
Initially connecting with Jimy’s father, our bond extended to include his grandmother and eventually his biological mother, who joined our team at the start of this school year. Together, we became Jimy’s steadfast allies. I firmly believe that behind every successful student lies a robust support network, regardless of its composition. Jimy concluded his first full school year at VCE in 2022-23 with 46 absences out of 172 days. However, through perseverance, consistent communication, and unwavering support from his family, Jimy’s attendance for the second school year of 2023-24 stands at merely two absences.
Jimy is now actively engaged in his education, benefiting from necessary interventions, demonstrating growth in various areas, and fostering positive relationships with peers and teachers. His progress stands as a testament to his family’s resilience and success.