November Month in Review

November Month in Review

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been reminded of the incredible power of partnership and community! Together, with amazing individuals, companies, and organizations, we’ve provided vital resources to our students and families, including:  -Winter Coat Distribution –...
Being Present Matters: Maleeka’s Story

Being Present Matters: Maleeka’s Story

Maleeka’s journey with CISCC started when she was a student paired with a mentor who made a lasting impact on her life. Today, as a mom, she’s come full circle—her son is now connected to CISCC, continuing the legacy of support and encouragement. Even more inspiring?...
Being Present Matters: Stephen and Noorul’s Story

Being Present Matters: Stephen and Noorul’s Story

We believe in the transformative power of being present in students’ lives. This week, we’re highlighting a remarkable mentoring relationship between Stephen Townsend and Noorul.  For over 14 years, Stephen has passionately volunteered with CISCC, mentoring...
Introducing Being Present Matters

Introducing Being Present Matters

The Challenge: This fall, the CIS national office launched a new campaign highlighting the impact of our work. As schools nationwide, including in North Carolina, focus on academic recovery post-pandemic, chronic absenteeism remains a major issue. Defined as missing...
October Month in Review

October Month in Review

We have just wrapped up the first quarter of the school year! There have been a lot of great things happening at CISCC. Read below to see some of our highlights over the last month as, together, we surround Chatham students with a community of support, empowering them...
September Month in Review

September Month in Review

School is back in full-swing, fall has officially begun, and we have had a full and exciting month at CISCC! Read below to see some of our highlights over the last month as, together, we surround Chatham students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in...
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