School-Based Programs

Communities In Schools of Chatham County’s (CIS CC) unique model positions Student Support Specialists inside schools to assess students’ needs and provide resources to help them succeed in the classroom and in life. We partner with local businesses, social service agencies, health care providers and volunteers. Whether it’s food, school supplies, health care, counseling, academic assistance or a positive role model, CIS CC is there to help.

Many children face challenges both inside and outside the classroom. Our Student Support Specialists strategically align and deliver needed resources so that students can focus on learning. At CIS CC we combine the power of one-on-one relationships with the science of proven, evidence-based programs, and mobilize community resources and proven programs to achieve results and remove barriers that keep students from succeeding.

Increased attendance, improved behavior, and satisfactory coursework, in addition to parent and family engagement, are the focus areas guiding our work. Collectively, we call it the ABC + P model. Our Student Support Specialists identify students in danger of not achieving their potential, assess student needs and provide wrap-around interventions and resources to change outcomes.



CIS Chatham Youth F.I.R.S.T.

CIS Chatham Youth F.I.R.S.T. (Finding Integrated Resources & Supports Together) is an integrated Student Supports intervention program that mitigates youth health and social risk factors to promote improved literacy and family-school engagement for students in kindergarten to eighth grade with the highest risks for underachievement due to poverty and instability.

This new service will not be eliminating any existing services but will instead extend our CIS Mentoring and Lunch Buddy program by offering more comprehensive supports for youth not served in our three traditional CIS model programs at Chatham Middle School, Virginia Cross Elementary, and Bonlee. These students may be matched with mentors or lunch buddies but will also be able to benefit from the supports offered by a traditional school site program. By extending our services through Youth FIRST, CIS CC will be bringing our Integrated Student Supports (ISS) model to more of Chatham County’s most vulnerable elementary and middle school students who need individualized supports for healthy development and school success.

Student Support Specialist (SSS)

The Student Support Specialist will provide case-managed support services to referred children and youth using the same protocols and methods that guide the evidence-based work of CIS SSSs embedded in specific school sites. The SSS will accomplish this through:

  • facilitating the child or family access to a wide range of supports offered by public and nonprofit organizations such as:
    • placement with a school volunteer (Lunch Buddy), a community-based Mentor, or Tutor
    • basic needs
    • mental and physical health resources
    • academic assistance or advocacy with school officials
    • truancy court advocacy
    • social emotional learning enrichment

Lunch Buddy

Lunch Buddies  provide students in grades K-5 a positive one-to-one relationship with a caring adult for support, attention and friendship by enjoying lunch together.Volunteers have the opportunity to go and have a lunch with a student on a weekly basis.

Requirements for becoming a Lunch Buddy:


CIS CC’s Mentoring Program helps children and youth from all over Chatham County who are referred to the mentoring program for many different reasons.  Juvenile court counselors, school staff, mental health professionals, and parents all may refer children who could benefit from the time and attention of a caring adult mentor. Mentors help mentees build socio-emotional skills and confidence for success in school and life. This is achieved with friendship, social support, and enrichment activities provided by a positive and consistent adult role model. Mentors can also help young people by assuring them that they are not alone, modeling positive responses to daily challenges, and building their personal sense of self-worth. We match referred children one-on-one with a qualified adult volunteer who meets with the mentee an average of four hours per month for a year. Mentors are trained, screened, and supervised by our experienced Mentoring Program Manager. Youth receive ongoing, individualized case management. Parents/guardians are regularly engaged and family support for basic needs is offered via referral to other providers.

Mentees are referred from a variety of sources, including Chatham County Schools (CSS), mental health professionals, the Department of Social Services (DSS), the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), and by parents and family members.

Requirements for becoming a mentor:

The matching adult (outside of the youth’s family) will spend 1-4 hours a week, one-on-one, with their mentee.  Each individual mentee possesses a variety of needs, skills, and interests in addition to residing in Chatham County.

Our selection process:

A screening committee, made up of three CIS CC volunteers, reviews an applicant’s file and makes the recommendation for approval of the applicant.

Once accepted, staff and volunteer work together to find a suitable match. Parents and youth are contacted for their input, then, if all parties are in agreement, CIS CC staff brings the volunteer to the young person’s home for an introduction and to discuss the agreement between mentor, mentee, family, and CIS CC.

Volunteer, youth, and family agree to meet for an average number of hours per week, for one year. CIS CC staff provide supervision, support and activities during the relationship. At the end of the year, if all parties agree to continue the match, it will continue.

Anyone can refer a young person. Download our Youth Referral Form today!

Student Support Specialists

Student Support Specialists fill a pivotal role as the single point of contact working inside the school building to provide integrated student services. Working closely with school personnel, they connect students and families with community partners and resources that address both academic and nonacademic needs.

See all of the school sites where CIS CC’s model programs are underway.

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