Fighting was her way of settling a score.  She angered easily and would lash out if things weren’t going her way. This way of dealing with others first appeared in 6th grade and reappeared in 8th grade.  Her eighth grade fight resulted in Margarete being referred to Teen Court.  To complete that program she was required to do Community Service and serve on Teen Court as a juror.

It was Margarete’s time spent in Teen Court and Community Service that planted the seeds of what it’s like to actually help others rather than traveling through life being oppositional.  In Teen Court as a juror, Margarete found that she identified with the defendant’s situation – she’d “been there”.  She became a very active, vocal member of the jury in trying to find sanctions that would mean something to the defendant and still demand enough of the defendant to pay back the community … just as she had “paid back” when doing her own Community Service.  And then, Margarete took things a step further. She became a youth attorney on Teen Court.  This new level brought her much enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment as she worked her way through her very busy high school years.

Now a senior, Margarete’s time is chock full of applying to college and scholarships.  The past four years have found her in Leos (a community service club), an AVID student and a past member of the Hispanic Liaison youth group, a cross-country runner and a member of the school’s soccer team. Additionally, she interned with Siler City’s Town Manager last summer.  Margarete really loved shadowing Bryan Thompson during his day and accompanying Chief Tyson on his rounds.

Margarete has chosen to major in political science and minor in history.  She’s thinking that studies in statistics and in local public administration/public policy will give her the avenue she needs to make real changes in local government – creating opportunities for others.  Her wish is to return to Siler City to do this good work.  We hope so!


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