Steve Townsend became connected to CISCC almost 10 years ago when it was Chatham County Together! Prior to his retirement and coming to NC, Steve lived in Houston, Texas and worked in the Oil and Gas Industry. While in Houston, he felt a calling to mentor kids at risk—students identified as “on the brink of success”— and joined an initiative similar to CISCC’s “Lunch Buddies” Program.” When he moved to Chatham County, he discovered the mentoring program run by Chatham County Together! Steve first assisted with a Graduation Project and soon after became a mentor to a boy in the second grade. This boy is now in High School and is consistently doing well. Steve’s approach then—as it is now—is “M&M” (Math and Mentoring).Fueled by his passion for education and his desire to help those kids who need extra support to succeed, he encourages his students to believe in themselves as they build their confidence in math. Steve has helped with summer math “catch-up” programs and is always looking for more ways to contribute individually. This year, Steve began tutoring multiple students at Chatham Middle School during weekly intervention time. Steve maintains high standards, expecting students to strive for 100% on their assignments. He never gives up on students and does not let them give up on themselves. Steve says, “My goal is to bring them to the point of feeling confident enough in math that they don’t need me anymore.” And when asked what the most rewarding aspect of volunteering is, Steve doesn’t hesitate; “to have the opportunity to help these kids.”

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