Jun 15, 2018 | Chatham Middle School, News Articles, Stories, Youth
The mission of Chatham County Schools (CCS) is “to graduate globally competitive and confident students by providing a rigorous and relevant curriculum in a supportive, safe and nurturing learning environment.” This is a lofty mission, and it’s difficult to achieve...
Jun 15, 2018 | News Articles, Stories, Uncategorized, Virginia Cross Elementary School, Youth
In November 2016, with increased support from Chatham County Schools, Communities In Schools Chatham County (CISCC) expanded its services to Virginia Cross Elementary (VCE) in Siler City to reach the younger siblings of Chatham Middle School (CMS) students and...
Mar 8, 2018 | Chatham Middle School, Mentoring, News Articles, Stories
On a cold January morning in 2015, in the middle of the school year, a school bus pulled up to the America’s Best Inn motel in Siler City. It was the first day of school for Kaylin, a new sixth grader at Chatham Middle School whose family had just arrived in...