CIS CC had a wonderful Youth Garden workday on Sunday, June 4th, installing plumbing for the cistern that will help us harvest rainwater off of the roof of an adjoining bulding.

Participating members of the Chatham Community Church included Rick McDonald, Jim Bridgeman, Rachel and John Carpenter, Gary Plontak, and Brian Spiller. CIS board member and mentor Johnny Davis helped with the installation and other garden related tasks.

Special thanks go to Mitch Woodard, NC Cooperative Extension’s Area Specialized Agent of Watersheds and Water Quality who is providing technical support and time with the actual installation. According to Woodward, “Stormwater runoff from building and home rooftops, roads, landscapes, and parking lots is a major source of water pollution in NC. This source grows [daily] because 275 new residents move to NC everyday! To control stormwater runoff practices are being installed across the state to SLOW the water down, SPREAD it out, and SOAK it in.

CIS CC’s innovative Rain Water Harvesting System will work to:

  • Capture storm runoff from one-half of a 7,000 sq. ft. rooftop (3,500 sq. ft.)
  • Collect 2,100 gallons of water.
  • Irrigate the Youth Garden area.

In one year’s time the system has the capability of capturing and soaking in over 100,000 gallons of water.
If you were to pay the annual volume of water captured as a city water utility it would have a annual monetary value of approximately $1,000.00​.

CIS CC appreciates the help of this group and looks forward to continuing this partnership. The CIS CC Youth Garden serves as a community service and restitution work site for youth and provides community members with fresh produce, free of charge.

If you are interested in volunteering with the CIS CC please let us know. You CAN make a difference in the lives of Chatham County youth!

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